25 Sep Sixth International Colour in Film Conference
(Header Image: Colour Flight (GB 1937, Len Lye). Credit: Courtesy of the Museum of Modern Art Department of Film. HDR photographs by Barbara Flueckiger. Timeline of Historical Film Colors: https://filmcolors.
The Sixth International Colour in Film Conference (25th-28th September) is going this year to Switzerland and will be held at the Lichtspiel / Kinemathek Berne, Switzerland.

Morgenstille: Image from ‘Im Land der Morgenstille’ (Germany / South Korea 1925) courtesy of So Won Choi, HTW Berlin, with kind permission of Benedictine St. Ottilien Archabbey, Landsberg, Germany
It’s co-organized by Prof. Dr. Barbara Flueckiger for the University of Zurich with Dr. Elza Tantcheva-Burdge for Colour Group (GB) and Prof. Dr. Ulrich Ruedel for HTW Berlin. The event will be hybrid and as always will include screenings, keynote lectures and presentations from international film and colour scholars and archivists. This year’s conference theme is Animation and Colour Film Technology.
With keynotes by Prof. Joshua Yumibe, Prof. Kirsten Moana Thompson and Prof. Andrew Stockman (the Colour Group’s Keynote speaker) and contributions by Theo Gluck, Dr. Alla Gadassik, Megumi Hayakawa, Prof. Giorgio Trumpy, Dr. David Pfluger, Martin Weiss, Lutz Garmsen, Kristian O. Moen, Simona Monizza, Dr. Eva Hielscher and more. On the first day of the conference there is going to be a Workshop will be led by Stockman, Poynton and Orji.
Details of the program will be announced on Sched as they emerge!
Conference fee
- Regular participation: 150 CHF
- Reduced participation for students: 50 CHF
The conference fee includes participation in all keynotes, lectures and screenings as well as coffee breaks and lunch on September 26, 27 & 28.
- The conference will be held as a hybrid event with free online participation. We ask you to register below for online participation so that we can send you all the necessary information in September.
- Online participation: free of charge
- All information and the registration form can be found online: https://www.ema.uzh.ch/en/main-events/W36L.html
This year it will also be possible to participate in the conference as a sponsor and support the Sixth Colour in Film Conference financially. This will allow us to offer reduced fees for students and to offer free online participation for those unable or unwilling to attend in person in the current situation. We thank you very much for your contribution!
- Sponsor Silver: 300 CHF
- Sponsor Gold: 500 CHF
- Sponsor Silver online: 100 CHF
- Sponsor Gold online: 150 CHF
We look forward to seeing you in Berne or online!

The Hall at the Lichtspiel
Cancellation conditions
Participation can be cancelled up to two weeks before the start of the conference. The conference fee will be refunded in full.
A contingent of hotel rooms has been reserved at the Hotel National (https://www.nationalbern.ch/). Rooms can be reserved by quoting the booking code ‘Kinemathek Lichtspiel Bern’.
Other accommodation options:
Hotel Bären: https://www.baerenbern.ch/
Bern Youth Hostel: https://www.youthhostel.ch/de/hostels/bern
Safety measures
If required by the pandemic situation, Covid rules of conduct will be followed at the conference and all participants will be asked to wear masks indoors. The consumption of food and beverages indoors is to be reduced as far as possible.
Furthermore, we recommend that you make sure to book fully refundable travel options only.

Reels stored at Lichtspiel