10 Nov The Eighth International Conference, Colour in Film: TV, Video and Film, 10-13 November 2024
The Eighth International Conference, Colour in Film: TV, Video and Film, 10-13 November 2024, will take place in Bristol, UK at Watershed, an independent cultural cinema and creative technology research centre on the city’s historic harbourside. The conference is co-organised by Colour Group of Great Britain and HTW – University of Applied Sciences, Berlin – in collaboration with South West Silents. This year’s event will focus on colour in the context of history, aesthetics and technology in television, video, and electronic displays. Additional sessions cover historical film colours in different gauges and formats, from the silent days to the modern era including in natural history film. As always, a host of international scholars, curators, and specialists will present their latest insights.
We are pleased to announce a special event – an underwater, large screen, colour double feature, screened on Bristol’s Megascreen, thus taking place within the genuinely marine environment that is Bristol Aquarium.
A Technicolor underwater masterpiece featuring BBC TV’s nature film icons, Dr. Hans and Lotte Hass, UNDER THE CARRIBEAN / UNTERNEHMEN XARIFA (1954) offers the opportunity to explore the underwater realm with Hass and his team in an especially immersive fashion in this new subtitled digitisation from a vintage Technicolor print by Filmarchiv Austria. Furthermore, courtesy of the Royal Film Archive of Belgium – CINEMATEK, we explore THE GREAT BARRIER REEF in Pierre Levie’s 1969 film that has been likened to Cousteau’s best works, features footage by shark experts Ron and Valerie Tayolor (JAWS) and remarkably reflects some of the ecological issues sadly threatening the ocean realm in the present. This screening is organised by Southwest Silents in collaboration with Colour in Film. Those wishing to engage and immerse further into the subject of colour in video, television, film and underwater are encouraged to participate in the entire conference.
Confirmed speakers include Professors Sarah Street; Jonathan Bignell and Kirsten Moana Thompson. Also, Kirsty Dootson; Mark Fuller; Vicky Jackson; Bruno Mestdagh; Charles Poynton; Tom Vincent; Anke Wilkening. As always, silent film music will be a treasured addition to select screenings, and towards that end we are very much looking forward to welcome silent film musician and composer, Andreas Benz. For their invaluable help in making the screenings happening, we are very much indebted to the support from British Film Institute, the Royal Film Archive of Belgium – CINEMATEK, Filmarchiv Austria and Dr. Michael Jung, Rosie Taylor and Stefanie Benz, and the Watershed, Bristol.
Please check out the full programme and the abstracts.

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