02 Mar Extraordinary Ideas On Colour
‘Extraordinary ideas on Colour’ is a Colour Group event hosted by Degard exploring art and experience in colour....
‘Extraordinary ideas on Colour’ is a Colour Group event hosted by Degard exploring art and experience in colour....
The Newton Medal lecture will be delivered by Prof Anya Hurlbert in recognition of her work in the science of colour vision. ...
Join us for the annual January Vision Meeting and Granville Gather, once again online...
Presentations by the recipients of the WD Wright and Palmer Awards...
Our annual meeting in association with the UK Neuro-ophthalmology Society...
The award winners are Taesu Kim and Hyeon-Jeong Suk, Márcia Hazin and João Pernão & Ji Eun Lee....
Watch Turner Medal winner Margo Selby's keynote lecture Weaving in Colour...
Margo Selby will be awarded the Colour Group (GB)'s Turner Medal in 2021, honouring Britain's greatest colourist. Join us online for her acceptance lecture ...
Our AGM 2021 will be held online. We encourage all members to attend the meeting...
The latest in a series of meetings bringing together clinicians, vision scientists, artists and art historians to discuss the influence that visual disorders, normal brain function and psychophysical phenomena have on the generation and appreciation of visual art. The meetings will be of interest to...